Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium

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Lal DR, Gadepalli SK, Downard CD, Ostlie DJ, Swedler R, Cassidy LD, Sato TT, Hirschl RB on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Perioperative management and outcomes of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula repair:  Results from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, DC, October 25, 2015.  Oral Presentation

Dave R. Lal, MD MPH, Samir K. Gadepalli, MD MBA, Cynthia Downard MD MMSc, Daniel J. Ostlie MD,   Ruth Swedler MS, Tom Chelius MS, Thomas Sato MD, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Challenging Surgical Dogma in the Management of Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Outcomes From the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. American Pediatric Surgical Association, San Diego, CA, May 16, 2016. Oral Presentation.

Dave R. Lal, MD MPH, Samir K Gadepalli, MD MBA, Cynthia Downard MD MMSc, Peter Minneci, MD MHSc, Ruth Swedler, MS, Thomas Chelius, MS, Thomas Sato, MD On behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Characteristics and Outcomes of Infants with Esophageal Atresia and a Right Sided Aortic Arch:Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. American Academy of Pediatrics. San Francisco, CA, October 2016. Oral Presentation.

 SM Kunisaki, JM Saito, ME Fallat, SD St. Peter, KN Johnson, RA Mon, SK Gadepalli, A Shaaban, C Adams, MA Helmrath, PC Minneci, KJ Deans, JJ Lopez, GZ Mak, AF Linden, MP Landman, RC Burns, JD Fraser, TN Wright, CD Downard, RS Kabre, KS Corkum, CM Leys, BL Rademacher, C Bence, SK Walker, DR Lal, B Aladegbami, and RB Hirschl on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Contemporary surgical management of pediatric lung malformations: a report from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  American Academy of Pediatrics. Chicago, IL, September 2017.

 Peter C. Minneci, Rashmi Kabre, Grace Mak, Jennifer N. Cooper, Devin Halleran, Richard Wood, Marc Levitt, and Katherine J. Deans on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Screening Practices and Associated Anomalies in Infants with Anorectal Malformations: Results from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  American Academy of Pediatrics. Chicago, IL, September 2017.

Shaun M. Kunisaki, Shawn D. St. Peter, Jacqueline M. Saito, Mary E. Fallat, Kevin N. Johnson, Rodrigo A. Mon, Samir K. Gadepalli, Aimen Shaaban, Cheryl Adams, Michael Helmrath, Peter C. Minneci, Katherine J. Deans, Joseph J. Lopez, Grace Z. Mak, Allison F. Linden, Matthew P. Landman, R. Cartland Burns, Jason D. Fraser, Tiffany N. Wright, Cynthia D. Downard, Rashmi S. Kabre, Kristine S. Corkum, Charles M. Leys, Brooks L. Rademacher, Bola Adadegbami, Christina Bence, Sarah K. Walker, Dave R. Lal, and Ronald B. Hirschl on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Thoracoscopic versus open resection in children with asymptomatic lung malformations:  a report from a multi-institutional collaborative.  Presented at IPEG, Seattle, WA, April 2018

 Lawrence AE, Fallat ME, Aldrink JH, Hewitt GD, Onwuka A, Minneci PC, Deans K on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Factors affecting the management of pediatric ovarian neoplasms: A multi-institutional analysis. American Academy of Pediatrics. American College of Surgeons. Oct 2018. Boston, MA             

 Kunisaki SM, Saito JM, Fallat ME, St. Peter SD on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Current operative management of congenital lobar emphysema: A report from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Presented at American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2018

 Minneci PC, Halleran DR, Kabre RS, Mak GZ, Cooper JN, Wood RJ, Levitt MA, Deans KJ on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Can fecal continence be predicted in patients born with anorectal malformations? American Academy of Pediatrics. November 2-6, 2018. Orlando, FL. Podium Presentation

Lawrence AE, Fallat ME, Aldrink JH, Hewitt GD, Onwuka A, Minneci PC, Deans K on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Factors associated with management of pediatric ovarian neoplasms: A multi-institutional analysis. American Academy of Pediatrics. November 2-6. 2018. Orlando, FL. Podium Presentation

 Lawrence AE, Aldrink JH, Fallat ME, Hewitt G, Hertweck, Onwuka A, Minneci PC, Deans KJ , on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Consortium. Risk factors and implication of torsion in girls with ovarian neoplasms. Pediatric Academic Societies. Adolescent Medicine: Sexual Health/Gynecology Session. April 27-30, 2019. Baltimore, MD. Poster Presentation

 Lawrence AE, Fallat ME, Hewitt G, Hertweck P, Onwuka A, Minneci PC, Deans KJ, Aldrink JH on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Consortium. Understanding the value of tumor markers in pediatric ovarian neoplasms. American Pediatric Surgical Association. May 19-22, 2019. Boston, MA. Plenary Presentation

 Fraser JD, Deans KJ, Fallat ME, Helmrath MA, Rashmi K, Leys CM, St. Peter SD, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Consortium. Sutureless vs sutured abdominal wall closure for gastroschisis: Operative characteristics and early outcomes from a multi-institutional consortium. American Pediatric Surgical Association. May 19-22, 2019. Boston, MA. Podium Presentation at Plenary Session 

 Leys CM, Hirschl RB, Kohler JE, Stafford-Cherney L, Marka N, Fallat ME, Gadepalli SK, Fraser JD, Grabowski J, Ostile DJ, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgical Consortium. Changing the paradigm for management of pediatric primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a simple aspiration test predicts need for operation.  American Pediatric Surgical Association. May 19-22, 2019. Boston, MA. Podium Presentation at Plenary Session

 SM Kunisaki, JM Saito, ME Fallat, SD St. Peter, DR Lal, KN Johnson, RA Mon, M Karmakar, C Adams, B Aladegbami, C Bence, RC Burns, KS Corkum, KJ Deans, CD Downard, JD Fraser, SK Gadepalli, RB Hirschl, R Kabre, DR Lal, MP Landman, CM Leys, AF Linden, JJ Lopez, GZ Mak, PC Minneci, BL Rademacher, A Shaaban, SK Walker, TN Wright, and MA Helmrath
on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Prenatal Risk Stratification of Fetal Lung Malformations: A Report From a Multicenter Collaborative Registry. Presented at American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Oct 25-29,2019. New Orleans, LA

 Charlene Dekonenko, Jason D. Fraser,Katherine J. Deans, Mary E. Fallat, Michael A. Helmrath, Rashmi Kabre,Charles M. Leys, R. Cartland Burns, Kristine Corkum, Patrick A. Dillon, Cynthia D. Downard, Tiffany N. Wright, Samir K. Gadepalli, Julia E. Grabowski,Edward Hernandez, Ronald B. Hirschl, Kevin N. Johnson, Jonathan E. Kohler, MD; Matthew P. Landman, Rachel M. Landisch, Amy E. Lawrence, Grace Z. Mak, Peter C. Minneci, Beth Rymeski, Thomas T. Sato, MD, Bethany J. Slater, Shawn D. St. Peter, MD on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Does Use of a Feeding Protocol Change Outcomes in Gastroschisis: A Multi-institutional Report. Presented at Academic Surgical Congress. Feb 2020, Orlando, FL.

 Metzger G, Cooper JN, Kabre RS, Mak GZ, Halleran DR, Boyd K, Chan S, Corea D, Dydynski P, Gill K, Kraus S, Sanchez R, Afrazi A, Calkins C, Linden AF, Downard C, Ehrlich PF, Fraser JD, Landman M, Leys CM, Rymeski B, Wood RJ, Levitt MA, Deans KJ, Bates DG, Minneci PC; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Inter-rater Reliability of Sacral Ratio Measurements in Patients with Anorectal Malformations. Presented at Academic Surgical Congress. Feb 2020, Orlando, FL.

Charlene Dekonenko, MD; Jason D. Fraser, MD; Katherine J. Deans, MD MHSc; Mary E. Fallat, MD; Michael A. Helmrath, MD; Rashmi Kabre, MD; Charles M. Leys, MD MSCI; R. Cartland Burns, MD; Kristine Corkum, MD; Patrick A. Dillon, MD; Cynthia Downard, MD MMSc; Tiffany N. Wright, MD; Samir K. Gadepalli, MD MBA MSc; Julia E. Grabowski, MD; Edward Hernandez, MD; Ronald Hirschl, MD; Kevin N. Johnson, MD; Jonathan E. Kohler, MD; Matthew P. Landman, MD; Rachel M. Landisch, MD; Amy E. Lawrence, MD; Grace Z. Mak, MD; Peter C. Minneci, MD; Beth Rymeski, DO; Thomas T. Sato, MD; Bethany J. Slater, MD; Shawn D. St. Peter, MD on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Outcomes in Gastroschisis: Expectations in the Postnatal Period. Presented at American Pediatric Surgical Association Annual Meeting, March 14, 2020. Virtual.

 Amy E. Lawrence, MD; Jacqueline Saito, MD Amanda Onwuka, PhD; Elissa Port; Alexis Bowder, MD; Cathleen Courtney, MD; Katherine J. Deans, MD, MHSc; Cynthia D. Downard, MD; Yara K. Duran; Mary E. Fallat, MD; Jason D. Fraser, MD; Samir Gadepalli, MD; Rashmi Kabre, MD; Elle L. Kalbfell, MD; Jonathan Kohler, MD; Dave Lal, MD; Matthew P. Landman, MD, MPH; Charles M. Leys, MD; Patricia Lu, MD; Troy Markel, MD; Grace Z. Mak, MD; Naila Merchant; Tina Nguyen; Mercedes Pilkington, MD; Beth Rymeski, MD; Thomas T. Sato, MD; Shawn D. St. Peter, MD; Tiffany Wright, MD; Peter C. Minneci, MD, MHSc; Julia E. Grabowski, MD on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Management of Pediatric Breast Masses: A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Cohort Study. Presented at American Pediatric Surgical Association Annual Meeting, March 14, 2020. Virtual.

 Shaun Kunisaki, MD, MSc, FAAP on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Diagnostic Accuracy of Preoperative CT Imaging in Pleuropulmonary Blastomas and Congenital Lung Malformations. Presented at American Academic of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Oct 2-5, 2020. Virtual.

Weller JH, MD on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Thoracoscopic versus open lobectomy in infants with congenital lung malformations: A multi-institutional propensity score analysis. Presented at Academic Surgical Congress. Feb 2021. Virtual.

Flynn-O’Brien KT. Pediatric Injury in 2020:The Midwest Pediatric Surgical Consortium Experience. Pediatric Surgery Grand Rounds, Children’s Wisconsin, September 2, 2021, Milwaukee, WI.

Farazi M, Collings A, Georgeades C, Van Arendonk K, Sato T, Fallat M, Minneci P, Speck E, Flynn-O’Brien KT.  A multi-institutional study evaluating pediatric burn injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wisconsin Surgical Society Conference, November 5, 2021, Kohler, WI.

James A. Fraser MD, Katherine J. Deans MD MHSc, Mary E. Fallat MD, Michael Helmrath MD, Rashmi Kabre MD, Charles M. Leys MD MSCI, R. Cartland Burns MD, Patrick A. Dillon MD, Cynthia Downard MD MMSc, Tiffany N. Wright MD, Samir K. Gadepalli MD MBA Msc, Julia E. Grabowski MD, Ronald Hirschl MD, Kevin N. Johnson MD, Jonathan E. Kohler MD, Matthew P. Landman MD, Grace Z. Mak MD, Peter C. Minneci MD, Beth Rymeski DO, Thomas T. Sato MD, Bethany J. Slater MD, Shawn D. St. Peter MD, Jason D. Fraser MD on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Evaluating the Risk of Peri-Umbilical Hernia after Sutured or Sutureless Gastroschisis Closure. ACS, Oct 2021. Virtual.

Farazi, M, Amelia T. Collings, Kyle Van Arendonk, Mary E. Fallat, Peter C. Minneci, Thomas T. Sato, K. Elizabeth Speck, Katherine J. Deans, Richard A. Falcone Jr., David S. Foley, Jason Fraser, Martin S. Keller, Meera Kotagal, Matthew P. Landman, Charles M. Leys, Troy Markel, Nathan Rubalcava, Shawn D. St. Peter, Katherine T. Flynn-O’Brien. Impact of “Stay-at-Home” orders on non-accidental trauma: A multi-institutional study. Podium Presentation. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, October 10, 2021, virtual.

Georgeades C, Collings AT, Farazi M, Fallat ME, Minneci PC, Sato TT, Speck KE, Van Arendonk K, Deans KJ, Falcone RA, Foley DS, Fraser J, Gadepalli S, Keller MS, Kotagal M, Landman MP, Leys CM, Markel TA, Rubalcava N, St Peter SD, Flynn-O'Brien KT, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. A multi-institutional study evaluating pediatric burn injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Podium Presentation. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, October 2021, virtual.

​Collings, AT, Farazi, M, Kyle Van Arendonk, Mary E. Fallat, Peter C. Minneci, Thomas T. Sato, K. Elizabeth Speck, Katherine J. Deans, Richard A. Falcone Jr., David S. Foley, Jason Fraser, Samir K. Gadepalli, Martin S. Keller, Meera Kotagal, Matthew P. Landman, Charles M. Leys, Troy Markel, Nathan Rubalcava, Shawn D. St. Peter, Katherine T. Flynn-O’Brien.  Pediatric Trauma Epidemiology during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Sociopolitical Unrest of 2020: A Multi-Institutional Study. Podium Presentation, Pediatric Trauma Society, November 2021, Baltimore, MD.

Amelia Collings, MD, Manzur Farazi, PhD, Kyle Van Arendonk, MD, PhD, Thomas T. Sato, MD, Mary E. Fallat, MD, Peter C. Minneci, MD, MHSc, K. Elizabeth Speck, MD, MS, Rashmi Kabre MD, Katherine Flynn-O’Brien, MD, MPH on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Changes in Pediatric Trauma Transfer Patterns during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Study. ASC, Feb 2022, Orlando, FL.

Collings, AT, Manzur Farazi, Mary E. Fallat, Peter C. Minneci, Kyle Van Arendonk, K. Elizabeth Speck, Katherine J. Deans, Richard A. Falcone Jr., David S. Foley, Jason Fraser, Samir K. Gadepalli, Martin S. Keller, Meera Kotagal, Matthew P. Landman, Charles M. Leys, Troy Markel, Nathan Rubalcava, Shawn D. St. Peter, Thomas T. Sato, Katherine T. Flynn-O’Brien.  The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on transfer patterns and pediatric trauma centers: a multi-institutional study. Podium Presentation. Academic Surgical Congress annual meeting, February 2022, Orlando, FL.

Georgeades C, Collings AT, Farazi M, Bergner C, Fallat ME, Minneci PC, Speck KE, Van Arendonk KJ, Deans KJ, Falcone Jr RA, Foley DS, Fraser JD, Gadepalli SK, Keller MS, Kotagal M, Landman MP, Leys CM, Markel TA, Rubalcava, St. Peter SD, Sato TT, Flynn-O’Brien KT, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and structural inequalities within the pediatric trauma population.  Podium Presentation. Injury Free Coalition for Kids, December 2022, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 

Amelia E. Gavulic BS, Stephen J. Hartman MD, Amelia Collings MD, Nelson Rosen MD, Rebeccah L. Brown MD, Alejandra M. Casar Berazaluce MD, K. Elizabeth Speck MD MS, Cynthia D. Downard MD MMSc, Matthew P. Landman MD, Patrick A. Dillon MD, Julia E. Grabowski MD, Grace Mak MD, Charles M. Leys MD MSCI, Jason D. Fraser MD, Dave R. Lal MD, Beth A. Rymeski DO on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.  Association of BMI with Reintervention for Pilonidal Disease in Pediatric Patients. Presented at American College of Surgeons Congress. Oct 2024, San Francisco, CA.